Mr. Mayer in the Night

May 24, 2010

Finally I got my hands on the dvd ‘Any Given Thursday’. Which is, for you who don’t know it, a John Mayer live dvd. And I just watched the interview on the disc, it was really short, but he simply touchest something in me. He’s so straight forward, and so pure, he knows what he’s talking about, and really feel the songs which he’s playing. And he goes where ever his mind takes him, do you know what I mean. He gets an impulse, and without thinking about it goes for it. Something which Meisner talkes alot about too (I’m reading Mesiner’s ‘On acting’ at the moment).
I’m going to watch John Mayer live in concert soon here in Denmark, can’t wait now, after seing that interview! I just still hope he’s at a healthy place in his music and life.

I’m still up, even though I should be in bed, but do you know the nights where you just feel inspired? So I guess I’ll do something creative with my hands, while I’m listening to John Mayer, and forget about the time and that it’s late… Cause, you know; time doesn’t exist, clocks does, but not time. It’s a question of preference… Do you prefer it to be dark out, or light?

Tonight I like it dark… See you in the darkness!

All the best to you and yours

Lucas Alexander

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